Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hualien 2012

Hi all, thanks for dropping by my blog and I am very glad that my posts have helped alot of you who are planning to go Taiwan. Do keep the comments/emails coming in! :D

A continuation of my Taiwan 2012 - Hualien

After Tarogo Gorge, we headed for Hualien and stayed at another Minsu which I loved! :) The highlight of Hualien is we got to play with firecrackers and light our own sky laterns (放天灯) :))) Photos time!

Hualien signature Xiao Long Baos which comes is bigger than normal size and is meat bao to me. There's this shop that sells (crowded with locals and tourist) at their bermuda triangle district!

The MUST-TRY steak/chicken chop at Hualien's Night Market (自强夜市)and it costs like NT250 for a awesome serving beef portion!

Our night activity!!! so excited and looking forward. For info, Aunty Liu (minsu owner) provide the stuff for us at a small fee and she also brought us out to buy the firecrackers. The wishes do came through for the boy (verified after half a yr) :p

Next morning home-made breakfast at our Minsu <3 Basically throughout our stay, Aunty Liu has been very nice to us :)

our morning half day tour that Mr Li has arranged for us. I think we paid another NT 2000 thereabouts for this service. He brought us to this Japanese village (history of Japanese in Hualien), 鲤鱼潭 (bicycle riding/boat riding), and this place that sells super fresh seafood!

The portion is HUGE, photos are deciving and this portion (only one size) costs us NT200!!! so cheapppppp and good! the 2 of us couldn't finish and coincidentally, the boy met his friends there and the 4 of us shared this! so, be warned, this portion can feed at least 4 pax. 

rows and rows of watermelon


and me posing with a huge watermelon that was prolly 15kg! no joke. lol

There you go, posing with Aunty Liu before we depart! She owns “石头的家”, her details are in the photo, do give her a buzz if you are keen to book her minsu! We stayed a total of 2 nights, one at the city centre (which is her aprtment-convert-minsu) and the other at the outskirts apartment ( 郊外 ) - see photo below. Personally I would recommend the outskirts apartment as you can light your own lanterns and Aunty liu procide free shuttle to and fro Hualien Train station. She was sending us off to train station and she was so nice to helped us booked train tickets back to TPE!

That's all for my Hualien! I re-visted in 2013 with my family. Will be blogging that separately! 


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