Friday, November 8, 2013


好快啊, 一个月就这样过了。。。

Monday, June 3, 2013

Wedding Bells

Hello, I'm back with some recent events which I attended last Saturday, and it's none other than weddings celebration! They were the second and third weddings that I have attended of this year and they both occurred on the same date and time. Boo! It was a mad rush from one place to another and I had to sacrifice one of it. Dropped by Boon's (Uni friend) wedding at Furama Riverfront to congratulate him and left for Jefre's (ex-colleague) at MBS. The traffic that day was HORRIBLE, probably due to sundown? It took me ONE whole hour to reach MBS carpark -.- The jam was so bad till I could tweet, check what's app messages, instagram while driving :o
Some snapshots below, mostly from my insta acct:

Congrats Boon! Stay blissful with your wife and look forward to your mini Beardpapa!

I missed the first dish at MBS so you may guessed the time that I reached? :s So lucky to bump into Jefre at the entrance to congratulate him personally.
Table 19 ladies (:

Most Favourite Team #CT4 <3
The "OLD-NEW" #CT4 till date, missing some who couldn't attend. (:

Shall end off with my #OOTD from

 Thanks for reading! Have a lovely week!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Taiwan travelouge: He Huan Shan, Taroko Gorge, Qi Xing Tan

15th May 2012
A day of tour by our driver Mr. Li (李德明)
He Huan Shan (合欢山)Taroko Gorge (太鲁阁) Qi Xing Tan (七星潭)
We had a bumpy ride up to 合欢山 and subsequently another long journey down to Taroko. It was practically winter up there and we were totally not prepared for it, thus as can be seen below, I was clad in a CWC blazer :o

Monday, May 27, 2013

Taiwan travelouge: Chia Yi & Alishan

Decide to blog on Taiwan instead. Woman are just fickle-minded, no? :p

12th May 2012 - Chia Yi
We bought our HSR train tickets the day before outbound to Taichung where our pre-arranged driver cum guide, Mr. Liao, who picked us up at the train station. We have booked him for Alishan & Cingjing tour so enroute to Alishan, he was very nice and brought around abit in Taichung and highly recommend us to stay in Taichung in our future trips and embark to Chiayi. Stopped by for some temple visiting and yummy local delights.
We bumped into a local TV host (according to Mr Liao.... I don't know who he is but he does look familiar)
Even though our tummies were bursting, we still devour down the noodles which was amazing thumbs up! taiwanese kind of cold soba.


Pass by this super tiny alley which was the famous alley in Chiayi. The two of us tried to squeeze in :p

While making our ways up the moutains, Mr Liao drop us at a Aiyu place selling drinks and fresh-made aiyu jellys.

Some lavendar farm along the way , but pity it was not the season of blossoms.
you could have guessed. Mr Liao volunteer to be our photographer! Most of the shots in this entry are by his DSLR but with my memory card. he was super nice to us and at least through this trip we did not feel any hostility, though he has his own stand. Partially agree on some of the reviews on forums but there were some grounds to believe him in (will elaborate later).

Mr Liao recommended us to see the sunset as it was much more nicer as compared to sun rise and since we were already up in the mountains, nothing to lose and it was free. ^^ out of the 7421712723 shots, filtered to the below few.


Dinner at some random restaurant up in the hills. one of the worse dinner ever... we didnt know that the rice was FREEFLOW and by that, it meant whatever unfinished rice serve to patrons, the shop owners ... erm.. pour-back-unfinished-rice-into-the-cooker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HORRIBLE. thank goodness i did not eat any rice but the boy ate one full bowl of it >.<


look at the high air pressure :o

my stay for 2 nights. so this is the part:
I have initally made booking at the popular Xin Xin Minsu (欣欣民宿)and upon my arrival in Taiwan till my meetup with Mr Liao, he had been discouraging us to stay at Xin Xin Minsu. No doubt, I had the same feeling as those forumers who felt that he was very strong in his opinions but he prove to us by bringing us to "view" Xin Xin Minsu and really to our horrors, Xin Xin Minsu was made up of aluminums and partion of a eatery?!?! It really looked shabby and horrible from outside so we decided to forefit our NT1000 deposit for something more reliable.



 Train tickets to see sunrise! Woke up super early the next morning (say 3am?) and climb up numerous of stairs to reach the station, was almost out of breath as the morning air on a mountain was super thin.

kuku me forgot about my sunglass so yup got this kuku looking paper sunglass LOL! it was soooo crowded and hard to squeeze for a space amongst the tourist.


went trekking on the Alishan after the sunrise

 So this basically sums up my Alishan trip. Next stop is Cing Jing coming up soon!