Thursday, May 30, 2013

Taiwan travelouge: He Huan Shan, Taroko Gorge, Qi Xing Tan

15th May 2012
A day of tour by our driver Mr. Li (李德明)
He Huan Shan (合欢山)Taroko Gorge (太鲁阁) Qi Xing Tan (七星潭)
We had a bumpy ride up to 合欢山 and subsequently another long journey down to Taroko. It was practically winter up there and we were totally not prepared for it, thus as can be seen below, I was clad in a CWC blazer :o

At  the highest peak!
and slowly we moved downhill....
Taroko Gorge National Park

Spot the small temple in the photo below? Yep, we walked all the way there.

As we had to walk under the tunnel (燕子口)and there were rocks falling down so for safety purpose, we wore those helmets which was kindly provided by Mr. Li.

This rock thingy below is suposed to resemble a frog and I tried the best to capture it.

and this is suppose to resemble a lday's face. according to Mr. Li, it is quite famous!


a signaturtory Singaporean-style jump shot to end off this post. Apparently, Mr. Li was very amused with us jumping everywhere LOL.


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